MGI Seminar 第32讲:The plastic flow behavior and mechanism of metallic glasses

创建时间:  2015/10/18  张明   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:The plastic flow behavior and mechanism of metallic glasses
报  告 人:孙保安 老师


     As a new class of advanced materials, metallic glasses (MGs) have many attractive and unique properties due to their long-range disordered atomic structure and thus absorbed considerable research interests over past decades. However, contrary to crystalline alloys, many aspects of their structure-property relationship are still not well established. This is particularly applied to their plastic flow behavior. The lack of a thorough understanding on the plastic flow of MGs also severely limited their wide applications. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the deformation features of MGs and their research status. Then I will present our series studies on characterizing and modeling the plastic flow behavior of MGs ranging from mm- to nm- scale, including the macroscopical shear band dynamics, the serrated flow behavior and its dynamics origin, as well as the nano-scale plastic flow units and their evolution with stress or time in MGs. The physics underlying these behavior as well as the implications for the designing and controlling the plasticity of MGs will also be discussed.


      孙保安,香港城市大学机械与生物医学工程系博士后研究员, 本科和硕士毕业于山东大学材料科学与工程学院,2011年1月于中国科学院物理研究所获得博士学位,随后在德国德累斯顿莱布尼兹固体材料研究所和香港城市大学进行博士后研究。主要从事非晶合金材料的设计、制备以及力学行为方面的研究工作。在非晶合金的宏观和微观塑性形变动力学行为的表征分析以及机理方面取得了重要的科研成果。迄今,作为主要作者,共发表学术论文40多篇,其中包括Phys. Rev. Letts, Nature Commu, Acta Mater, J. Mech. Phys. Solids及App. Phys. Lett 等著名期刊,在Prog. Mater. Sci 上发表长篇综述论文1篇,申请国家发明专利1项。其研究成果引起广泛关注,多次应邀出席国内外非晶合金学术会议并作邀请报告,论文引用次数达300多次。此外孙博士还多次应邀担任Intermetallic,Materials and Design 及 Philosophical Magazine Letters等学术期刊审稿人。


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