主持项目: 1) 中国科技部2022年度国家外专项目 2) 上海市2020年度“科技创新行动计划”扬帆计划项目
近年主要学术论文: 1) Tianliang Li, et al, Yingying Chen*, Lingyan Feng*, Injectable Hydrogel Incorporated with Iron-Doped Carbon Dots Exhibiting Peroxidase-Like Activity for Antibacterial Therapy and Wound Healing, Advanced Therapeutics, 2024, 2300368. 2) Xiaowei Liu, et al, Yingying Chen*, Lingyan Feng*, Artificial tongue based on carbon dots and a porphyrin derivative for pattern recognition of metal ions, Sensors & Diagnostics, 2023, 2,188-193. 3) Yingying Chen, et al, Lingyan Feng*, A New Strategy Using a Fluorescent Probe Combined with Polydopamine for Detecting the Activity of Acety lcholinesterase, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 74(8): 607-612. 4) Yingying Chen, et al, Lingyan Feng*, Sensitive and reversible perylene derivative-based fluorescent probe for acetylcholinesterase activity monitoring and its inhibitor, Analytical Biochemistry, 2020, 2020(607) |