
姓    名:王淑娟
职    称:副教授

2007年本科毕业于中南大学材料科学与工程学院材料物理专业,2013年毕业于中国科学院金属研究所固体原子像部,师从隋曼龄教授和杜奎研究员。博士毕业之后先后工作于美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University) Prof. Ibrahim Karaman (MSE department head)课题组、密西根大学 (University of Michigan) Prof. Amit Misra (MSE department chair)课题组和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室 (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr. Carlos N. Tomé 课题组,取得了一系列国际同行认可的学术成果,共发表本领域SCI论文26篇,谷歌学术引用近900次,H因子17。2022年加入上海大学材料基因组工程研究院。



1. 透射电镜(常规和原位表征)在材料科学研究中的应用

2. 金属材料的缺陷与强度

3. 核用金属材料的辐照损伤与辐照效应分析

4. 增材制造(3D打印)材料的微观组织和力学性能研究以及性能优化

5. 集成电路用高性能铜合金的设计与开发

6. 基于机器学习的高性能合金的设计与开发


1. SJ Wang, M Gong, RJ McCabe, J Wang, L Capolungo and C.N. Tomé, Characteristic Boundaries associated with Three Dimensional Twins in Hexagonal Metals, Science Advances, 6(28), eaaz2600, 2020.

2. SJ Wang, H Wang, K Du, W Zhang, ML Sui, and SX Mao, Deformation-induced structural transition in body-centered cubic molybdenum. Nature Communications 5, 3433, 2014.

3. SJ Wang, G Liu, DY Xie, Q Lei, BP Ramakrishnan, J Mazumder, J Wang and A Misra, Plasticity of laser-processed nanoscale Al-Al2Cu eutectic alloy, Acta Mater. 156, 52-63, 2018.

4. SJ Wang, K Dang, RJ McCabe, L Capolungo, CN Tomé, Three-dimensional atomic scale characterization of {11¯22} twin boundaries in titanium, Acta Mater. 208, 116707, 2021.

5. SJ Wang, DY Xie, J Wang, A Misra, Deformation behavior of nanoscale Al-Al2Cu eutectics studied by in situ micropillar compression, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 800, 140311, 2021.

6. SJ Wang, T Jozaghi, I Karaman, R Arroyaveand and YI Chumlyakov, Hierarchical evolution and thermal stability of microstructure with deformation twins in 316 stainless steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 694, 121-131, 2017.

7. SJ Wang, ML Sui, Y Chen, Q Lu, E Ma, X Pei, Q Li, H Hu, Microstructure fingerprints of phase transitions in shock-loaded iron, Scientific Reports 3, 1086, 2013.

8. SJ Wang, G Liu, J Wang and A. Misra, Characteristic orientation relationships in nanoscale Al-Al2Cu eutectic, Mater. Charact. 142, 170-178, 2018.

9. K Dang, SJ Wang, M Gong, RJ McCabe, J Wang, L Capolungo, Formation and stability of long basal-prismatic facets in Mg,  Acta Mater. 158, 119-128, 2020.

10. CN Tomé, MA Kumar, J Graham, K Dang, Y Liu, P Tang, S Wang, RJ McCabe and L Capolungo, Twin Transmission Across Grain Boundaries in Mg, Magnesium Technology 2020, 3-5.

11. G Liu, D Xie, S Wang, A Misra and J Wang, Mesoscale crystal plasticity modeling of nanoscale Al–Al2Cu eutectic alloy, Int. J. Plast., 121, 134-152, 2019.

12. O Karakoc, C Hayrettin, A Evirgen, R Santamarta, D Canadinc, RW Wheeler, SJ Wang, DC Lagoudas and I Karaman, Role of microstructure on the actuation fatigue performance of Ni-Rich NiTiHf high temperature shape memory alloys, Acta Mater. 175, 107-120, 2019.

13. M Gong, S Xu, D Xie, S Wang, J Wang, C Schuman, JS Lecomte, Steps and {11-21} secondary twining associated with {11-22} twin in titanium, Acta Mater. 165, 547-560, 2019.

14. NM Bruno, D Salas, S Wang, IV Roshchin, R Santamarta and R Arroyave, On the microstructural origins of martensitic transformation arrest in a NiCoMnIn magnetic shape memory alloy, Acta Mater., 142, 95-106, 2018.

15. Q Lei, BP Ramakrishnan, S Wang, Y Wang, J Mazumder and A Misra, Structural refinement and nanomechanical response of laser remelted Al-Al2Cu lamellar eutectic, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 706, 115-125, 2017.

16. O Karakoc, C Hayrettin, M Bass, SJ Wang, D Canadinc, JH Mabe, DC Lagoudas and I Karaman, Effects of upper cycle temperature on the actuation fatigue response of NiTiHf high temperature shape memory alloys, Acta Mater., 138, 185-197, 2017.

17. H Ozcan, J Ma, SJ Wang, I Karaman, Y Chumlyakov, J Brown and RD Noebe, Effects of cyclic heat treatment and aging on superelasticity in oligocrystalline Fe-Mn-Al-Ni shape memory alloy wires, Scripta Mater., 134, 66-70, 2017.

18. A Cox, B Franco, S Wang, T Baxevanis, I Karaman and DC Lagoudas, Predictive modeling of the constitutive response of precipitation hardened Ni-rich NiTi, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 3 (1), 9-23, 2017.

19. NM Bruno, S Wang, I Karaman and YI Chumlyakov, Reversible martensitic transformation under low magnetic fields in magnetic shape memory alloys, Scientific Reports 7, 40434, 2017.

20. E Dogan, S Wang, MW Vaughan, I Karaman, Dynamic precipitation in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy during different plastic deformation modes, Acta Mater., 116, 1-13, 2016.

21. LW Tseng, J Ma, SJ Wang, I Karaman, YI Chumlyakov, Effects of crystallographic orientation on the superelastic response of FeMnAlNi single crystals, Scripta Mater., 116, 147-151, 2016.

22. E Dogan, MW Vaughan, SJ Wang, I Karaman and G Proust, Role of starting texture and deformation modes on low-temperature shear formability and shear localization of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy. Acta Mater., 89, 408-422, 2015.

23. LW Tseng, J Ma, SJ Wang, I Karaman, M Kaya, ZP Luo and YI Chumlyakov. Superelastic response of a single crystalline FeMnAlNi shape memory alloy under tension and compression. Acta Mater., 89, 374-383, 2015.

24. LW Tseng, J Ma, I Karaman, SJ Wang and Y I Chumlyakov, Superelastic response of the FeNiCoAlTi single crystals under tension and compression, Scripta Mater., 101, 1-4, 2015.

25. H Zhang*, SJ Wang, SC Wang, ZC Li, S. Hovomler, and XD Zou. A Structure Model for τ2-Al13Co4 Deduced by the Strong Reflections Approach, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 5, 1735-1737, 2008.

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