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Ø 2022.4今           上海大学 材料基因组工程研究院,     教授

Ø 2019.32022.3  日本东北大学     金属材料研究所, 助理教授

Ø 2015.102019.2   日本东北大学     金属材料研究所, 博士后研究员


Ø 2011.10―2015.9 博士东北大学(日本) 金属材料研究所, 材料加工工程

Ø 2008.9―2011.7 硕士太原理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 材料加工工程

Ø 2004.9―2008.7 学士河南科技大学 材料科学工程与工程学院,金属材料与热处理


Ø 先进金属材料开发及其增材制造制备工艺研究

Ø 金属增材制造制备过程数值模拟

Ø 人工智能辅助的增材制造用合金成分设计

Ø 人工智能辅助的增材制造工艺优化

Ø 人工智能辅助的增材制造制备过程监控


1. Huakang Bian, et al. Regulating the coarsening of the γ′ phase in superalloys,. NPG Asia Materials,. 2015, 7, e212. (高温合金)

2. Huakang Bian, et al. Microstructure refinement for superior ductility of Al–Si alloy by electron beam melting,. Additive Manufacturing(增材制造), 2020, 32, 100982.

3. Tack Lee, Kenta Aoyagi*, Huakang Bian*, et al. The microstructure and mechanical properties of selective electron beam melting manufactured 9–12Cr ferritic/martensitic steel using N-and Ar-atomized powder,. Additive     Manufacturing(增材制造), 2021 45, 102075.

4. Seungkyun Yim, Huakang Bian*, et al. Ball-milling treatment of gas-atomized Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder and its effect on preventing smoking during electron beam powder bed fusion building process,. Additive Manufacturing(增材制造),. 2021, 51, 102634.

5. Seungkyun Yim, Huakang Bian*, Kenta et al. Spreading behavior of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powders in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process: experimental and discrete element method study, Additive Manufacturing(增材制造), 2021, 102489.

6. Huakang Bian, et al. Precipitation behavior of a novel cobalt-based superalloy subjected to prior plastic deformations,. Materials & Design, 2016, 112, 1-10.

7. Huakang Bian, et al. The influence of Mo on Suzuki-segregation-related microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Co−Ni-based superalloy,. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 768, 136-142.

8. Seungkyun Yim, Kenta Huakang Bian*, et al. Effect of mechanical ball milling on the electrical and powder bed     properties of gas-atomized Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb and elucidation of the smoke mechanism in the powder bed fusion electron beam melting process. Journal of Materials Science & Technology,. 2022,. 137, 35-55.

9. Yufan Zhao, Huakang Bian*, et al. Non-equilibrium solidification behavior with solute trapping associated     with powder characteristics during electron beam additive manufacturing,. Materials & Design,. 2022,. 221, 110915.

10. Cheng Yang, Huakang Bian*, et al. Coupled strengthening in HfMoNbTaTi refractory high-entropy alloy via     disordered nanoscale phase and semicoherent refractory particle,. Materials & Design,. 2021,. 212,. 110248.

11. Kohei Yamakawa, Huakang Bian*, et al. Translated title of the contribution: Microstructure evolution during     T6 heat treatment in an additive manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy using powder bed fusion-electron beam, Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals, 2022, 72(6), 321-326.

12. Rui Luo*, Huakang Bian*, et al. Hot workability and dynamic recrystallization behavior of a spray formed 7055 aluminum alloy,. Materials Characterization,. 2021,. 178,. 111203.

13. Seungkyun Yim, Huakang Bian*, et al. Effect of multi-stage heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure transformation of Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy,. Materials Science and Engineering: A,. 2021,. 816,. 141321.

14. Yunwei Gui, Yujie Cui*, Huakang Bian*, et al. Deformation behavior of Mg–5Y–2Nd–0.5 Zr alloys with different Sm additions,. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,. 2021,. 856,. 158201.

15. Tack Lee, Huakang Bian*, et al. Fabricating 9–12 Cr ferritic/martensitic steels using selective electron beam melting,. Materials Letters,. 2020,. 271,. 127747.

16. Lingxiao Ouyang, Huakang Bian*, et al. Hot deformation characteristics and dynamic recrystallization mechanisms of a Co–Ni-based superalloy,. Materials Science and Engineering: A,. 2020,. 788,. 139638.

17. Yujie Cui*, Huakang Bian*, et al. Effects of the aluminum concentration on twin boundary motion in pre-strained magnesium alloys,. Journal of Materials Science & Technology,. 2020,. 73,. 116-127.

18. Yujie Cui*, Huakang Bian*, et al. Impacts of pre-strain on twin boundary mobility of magnesium,. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,. 2020,. 816,. 152496.

19. Cheng Yang, Huakang Bian*, et al. Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of a precipitation-strengthened refractory high-entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr,. Materials Letters,. 2019,. 254,. 46-49.

20. Rui Luo*, Huakang Bian*, et al. High Temperature Deformation Characteristics of an Alumina‐Forming Stainless Steel,. steel research international,. 2019,. 90,. 1-12.

21. Cheng Yang, Huakang Bian*, et al. Competition between solid solution and multi-component Laves phase in a dual-phase refractory high-entropy alloy CrHfNbTaTi,. Materials & Design,. 2022,. 226, 111646.

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