所获奖励: 2019.09 全球同行评议奖(Top Peer Reviewer Award)
2019.03 上海市青年科技启明星
2017.07 上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者)
2014.03 日本丸文科研助成奖(Marubun Promotion Foundation,Japan)
主要业绩: 在Nature Energy、Energy & Environmental Science等期刊发表文章,共发表SCI论文30余篇,共6篇论文入选ESI高被引论文(Highly Cited Paper),其中两篇论文同时入选ESI高被引论文和热点文章(Hot Paper)。获两项日本授权专利。受邀担任40多种期刊审稿人;受邀担任SCI期刊Solar Energy、Frontiers in Physics和International Journal of Photoenergy客座(副)编辑。 实验室主页:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/shu-ASOMD-lab 
代表性论文: 1) I. Maeng, S. Lee, H. Tanaka, J.-H. Yun, S. Wang, M. Nakamura, Y.-K. Kwon, and M.-C. Jung. Unique phonon modes of CH3NH3PbBr3 hybrid perovskite without the influence of defect structure: an attempt toward a novel THz-based application. NPG Asia Materials, accepted (2020). 2) J. Yu, X. Kuang, J. Zhong, L. Cao, C. Zeng, J. Ding, C. Cong, S. Wang, P. Dai, X. Yue, Z. Liu, and Y. Liu. Observation of double indirect interlayer exciton in WSe2/WS2 heterostructure. Optics Express 28, 13260-13268 (2020). 3) J. Cheng(#), S. Wang(#), Y. Tang, R. Hu, X. Yan, Z. Zhang, L. Li, and Q. Pei. Intensification of Vertical Phase Separation for Efficient Polymer Solar Cell via Piecewise Spray Assisted by a Solvent Driving Force. Solar RRL 1900458 (2020). 4) F. Yang, J. Liu, Z. Lu, P. Dai, T. Nakamura, S. Wang, L. Chen, A. Wakamiya, and K. Matsuda. Recycled Utilization of a Nanoporous Au Electrode for Reduced Fabrication Cost of Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Science 2020, 1902474. 5) S. Wang, T. Sakurai, W. Wen, and Y. B. Qi. Energy level alignment at interfaces in metal halide perovskite solar cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5, 1800260 (2018). 6) Y. Jiang, M. R. Leyden, L. Qiu, S. Wang, L. K. Ono, Z. Wu, E. J. Juarez-Perez, Y. Qi. Combination of Hybrid CVD and Cation Exchange for Upscaling Cs-Substituted Mixed Cation Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Stability. Advanced Functional Materials, 28, 1703835 (2017). 7) S. Wang, Y. Jiang, E. J. Juarez-Perez, L. K. Ono, and Y. B. Qi. Accelerated degradation of methylammonium lead iodide perovskites induced by exposure to iodine vapour. Nature Energy, 2, 16195 (2016). 8) E.J. Juarez-Perez, M. R. Leyden, S. Wang, L. K. Ono, Z. Hawash, Y. B. Qi. Role of the dopants on the morphological and transport properties of spiro-MeOTAD hole transport layer. Chemistry of Materials, 28, 5702 (2016). 9) S. Wang, L. K. Ono, M. R. Leyden, Y. Kato, S. R. Raga, M. V. Lee and Y. B. Qi. Smooth perovskite thin films and efficient perovskite solar cells prepared by the hybrid deposition method. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 14631 (2015). 10) L. K. Ono#, S. Wang# (共同第一作者), Y. Kato, and Y. B. Qi. Fabrication of semi-transparent perovskite films with centimeter-scale superior uniformity by the hybrid deposition method. Energy & Environmental Science, 7, 3989 (2014).